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The World's Only Public Purpose-Built
Real-World Asset Tokenisation Network


Liquidise and Redbelly partner to tokenise
$500M of private equity.

Hutly and Redbelly
partner to tokenise
$1.8B of rent rolls.

Projected to be #1 in Global RWA TVL in 2024*.

V1.0 Deck - Private C Round 2024.pptx (1)-2

* Quoted $ figures are USD, entire Market TVL as of 16 May 2024 on DefiLlama .

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Testnet is Live!

Redbelly Network Testnet is live.

Get access and start building new products for new markets today.

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Science Partners

Compliant Asset Tokenisation powered by a revolutionary blockchain, supported by the Australian Government, University of Sydney, CSIRO and DFCRC.

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2022 DFCRC Logo-White

Latest Blogs

Read our latest insights into Compliant Asset Tokenisation, Blockchain, the Digital Economy and Web3.

Blockchain has become collaborative

With the new release of Redbelly Network, blockchain has entered a new era: collaboration. Since its inception, the...

Redbelly launches Testnet, announces $73.8B+ pipeline

Redbelly Network, the world's first public and purpose-built real-world asset tokenisation network, has announced the...

What are the different types of Verifiable Credentials and how can they be stacked?

In the high value and high stakes world of real-world asset tokenisation, identity verification and user accountability...

Testnet is almost here. What can you expect?

We are launching our Testnet on 31 May, what does that mean and what can you expect?Firstly, let’s talk about what a...

What are Verifiable Credentials and what role do they play on the Redbelly Network?

At Redbelly we believe that any web3 network or platform used for tokenisation and trading of high value real world...

Tesserent and Hashlock Security Audit Results Announced

Redbelly recently engaged Blockchain experts Hashlock and Tesserent to perform expert validation and testing of our...


Scientific Research

Redbelly is unique in that the science came first.

The conception, creation and development of the Redbelly Network followed rigorous scientific method, years of careful, methodical, peer-reviewed, published and proven research.

The Redbelly Network: Whitepaper

DBFT: Efficient Leaderless Byzantine Consensus

Redbelly: A Secure, Fair and Scalable Open Blockchain

Investors and Advisors

Redbelly Network Pty Ltd

304/74 Pitt St. Sydney 
NSW 2000, Australia

2nd floor, Plot 14, Aeren Building, 
IT park Chandigarh, sector 13, Chandigarh, India